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CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics



Computational Modelling


                    The following are movies of Granular Flow simulations modelled by the CFD group:


Note: Some movies are DivX encoded to reduce file size. If you have any problems playing these videos - 

you should ensure that you have the latest codecs installed by visiting the DivX website and downloading the codecs. 






Comminution: Ball Mills


Movie 1: BallMill_fine_colbysize

DivX format, 9 Mb

Movie 2: BallMill_fine_colbyvel

DivX format, 8 Mb

Movie 3: BallMill_coarse_colbysize

DivX format, 9 Mb

Movie 4: BallMill_coarse_colbyvel

DivX format, 8 Mb

Movie 5: CementMillChamber2_fullmill_colbysize

Xvid format, 44 Mb


Movie 6: CementMillChamber2_fullmill_colbyvel

Xvid format, 35 Mb


Movie 7: CementMillChamber2_toe_colbysize_xvid

Xvid format, 5 Mb


Movie 8: CementMillChamber2_toe_colbyvz_xvid

Xvid format, 6 Mb


Movie 9: CementMillChamber2_shoulder_colbysize_xvid

Xvid format, 5 Mb


Movie 10: CementMillChamber2_shoulder_colbyvz_xvid

Xvid format, 5 Mb





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