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CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics



Computational Modelling

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Modelling Skeletal Movement and Interaction with Particle-Based Flows

The following are movies of Biomechanical SPH/GF simulations modelled by the CFD group:


Movie 1: skeleton_on_particles1

Xvid file 2MB

Skeleton walking through bed of particles as seen from an oblique view.

Particles coloured by velocity.

Movie 2: skeleton_on_particles2

Xvid file 1.7MB

Skeleton walking through bed of particles as seen from a side view.

Particles coloured by velocity.


Movie 3: skeleton_on_water

Xvid file 0.5MB

Skeleton walking through collapsing water as seen from a side view.
Movie 4: Five_skins_on_water

Xvid file 13.5 MB

Five skinned skeletons with varying motions interacting with water.
Movie 5: Skinned_clay

XviD file 1.46 MB



Dynamic prediction of human walking on clay.
Movie 6: Kayak water

XviD file 1.2 MB

A fully dynamic kayaking simulation.
Movie 7: Kayak vortex

XviD file 329 kB

A fully dynamic kayaking simulation. Vortex structure in the water due to interaction of kayak blades shown.
Movie 8: Female freestyle swimming

XviD file 334 kB

Symmetrical female freestyle swimming.
Movie 9: Male freestyle swimming

XviD file 367 kB

Male freestyle swimming with breathing.
Movie 10: Backstroke

XviD file 330 kB

Backstroke swimming female.
Movie 11: Butterfly

XviD file 378 kB

Butterfly swimming male.
Movie 12: Freestyle_Start

XviD file 5.4 MB


Freestyle swimming start.
Movie 13: Freestyle_Turn

XviD file 6.7 MB


Freestyle swimming turn.
Movie 14: Freestyle_Slice_Start

XviD file 20 MB

Freestyle swimming start with slice coloured by velocity magnitude and vorticity.
Movie 15: Freestyle_Slice_Turn

XviD 23 MB

Freestyle swimming turn with slice coloured by velocity magnitude and vorticity.
Movie 16: Reverse_Dive

XviD 349 kB


Reverse Dive.
Movie 17: Reverse_Pike

XviD 679 kB


Reverse Pike.



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